Don’t Ignore These 8 Signs Of Cognitive Decline

It’s inevitable that as you grow older, your brain ages. No matter how diligently you care for your brain, a certain level of change in cognitive function is normal and expected. In this article, we will examine 8 indications of cognitive decline.

Serious Signs of Cognitive Decline

If you’re concerned about your or your loved one’s brain health, watch out for these signs of cognitive decline:

Forgetting Recent Events

While losing your keys or forgetting the title of a book you read is normal for people in all stages of life, forgetting about an event that happened in the recent past can be worrisome.

Difficulty With Planning or Problem-solving

This involves struggling to complete familiar tasks such as using your cell phone, paying bills, or making a familiar recipe.

Repetitive Questioning

This refers to asking the same questions, particularly in the same conversation.

Confusing Times and Places

This involves losing track of dates and having difficulty remembering upcoming events.

Misplacing Items & Finding Them In Random Places

In these situations, you might drop an item in a location without relevance to its use. For instance, putting reading glasses in the freezer or car keys in the microwave.

Lack of Visual and Spatial Awareness

This involves misjudging distance, spilling or dropping things more than usual, or struggling to keep your balance.

Poor Judgement or Discernment

This includes falling for scams, having difficulty taking care of pets, or struggling to manage money.

Getting Lost In Familiar Locations

This refers to navigating places you visit frequently, such as the grocery store, post office, or pharmacy.

How To Maintain Cognitive Function and Brain Longevity

Once dementia reaches a specific stage, it can progress quickly, making intervention less effective. These are some healthy habits to incorporate into your daily outline to boost cognitive well-being:

● Visit your doctor regularly to track changes in your brain health

● Manage your blood pressure and blood sugar levels.

● Take a high-quality memory supplement with science-backed ingredients, e.g., citicoline.

● Get adequate, restful sleep.

● Engage in physical activity constantly.

● Maintain a healthy body composition.


Cognitive decline can be overwhelming, confusing, and scary for affected individuals. If a loved one exhibits any of the symptoms we covered, you should encourage them to see a healthcare provider immediately. This is because getting checked early can make a world of difference in progression and treatment choices.