How Will A Good Night’s Rest Support Your Immune System?

Even though no supplement can solve all of your problems, some companies claim that their supplements have the ability to help with things like stress and depression. This article provides
information on seven supplements you can use to reduce stress.

What Is Your Immune System and What Does It Do?

Your immune system is responsible for defending you from all pathogens and forms of disease and damage that could arise in your body. It comprises a complicated network of proteins and cells that can identify possible threats and coordinate an appropriate response.

In many cases, this response takes the form of inflammation. However, inflammation can lead to pain, swelling, and other unpleasant symptoms. When you miss sleep, your immune system and inflammatory responses are disrupted in many problematic ways.

How Does Sleep Support Your Immune System?

Philip Swirski, Ph.D., a professor of medicine at the Icahn School of Medicine, said that sleep allows your body to replenish its immune cells. He also said these cells are foot soldiers who survey for potential threats and participate in host defense.

The production of immune cells mostly happens when you sleep, not awake. Swirski said this production is thrown out of order when you don’t get enough sleep.

What’s the Evidence That Sleep Supports Immune Functioning?

A lot of research has discovered that healthy sleep helps balance and regulate the activity of your immune system. Studies have also shown that good sleep improves the ability of your immune cells to properly attach to their targets.

Swirski said disturbing your sleep can also affect the rhythm and production of immune cells, contributing to the development of inflammatory diseases. A research review has also connected chronic poor sleep to an increased risk for diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s.

4 Tips for Sleeping for Healthy Immune Functioning

If you want to get proper sleep to boost your immune system, these tips can help you out:

● Focus on sleep quality and how rested you feel when you wake up
● Practice mindfulness
● Get better quality sleep by being consistent.
● If you struggle with sleep, get help from a sleep expert. This could be a sleep medicine or pulmonary specialist.


Getting a good night’s sleep can do wonders for your immune system. You are guaranteed the best rest possible with the information and tips we have provided.