Healthy Lifestyle

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Stay Active With These Five Daily Exercises

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s hard to find time to relax, let alone exercise. If you’re struggling to find the...

Microplastics: Should You Be Worried?

According to a prediction made in the journal Science, the annual growth of plastic output from 1950 to 2015 was around 8.4%. Microplastic contamination...

Diet Sodas: A Healthy Alternative?

Many people wishing to kick the soda habit fall into the trap of drinking diet soda as a substitute. The lure is attractive. You...

Sleep Positions: Know the Dangers and Benefits

Did you know that how you sleep can affect your health and well-being? For most of us, our preferred sleep position might not have...

Three Tips for Smoother Skin

Smooth skin is something we may take for granted when we are younger. It’s easy to go to bed without washing your face when...

Getting Your Vitamins: Factors to Consider

Adding a new supplement or vitamin to your routine has always been more complicated than simply walking into the store and grabbing the first...

Three Foods That Enhance Your Mood

It might be tempting to resort to food to make you feel better when you're sad. The question is, what food should you turn...

Is There a Best Time to Work out Each Day?

Is there a right and wrong time to work out during the day? There are certainly pros and cons for the morning, afternoon, or...

Foods That Can Make You Look Older

Your diet can affect a lot of things in your life, from the amount of sleep you get to your emotional stability. Knowing this,...

Should You Nap During the Day?

As the afternoon slump rolls in, you may be tempted to close the blinds and rest for a few minutes. There are some thoughts...