As popular as heart diseases are, you only hear about them happening because of common reasons like smoking, overthinking, and obesity. However, there are some lesser-known causes. Below are seven of the most shocking causes of heart disease, according to scientists.
Migraines, especially those accompanied by auras, raise your risk of developing heart conditions like stroke and heart attack. In addition, triptans, which are commonly used to treat migraines, can cause dangerously narrow blood vessels, so you should avoid them if you have a history of cardiovascular disease or have ever had a heart attack or stroke.
Heart disease is more common in those who are parents, and the risk increases marginally with each additional child.
In addition, women who begin menstruating before age 12 or who cease before age 47 stand a higher risk of having cardiovascular disease and stroke. For women, the risk increases after experiencing a miscarriage or surgical removal of the ovaries or uterus.
The risk of heart disease increases by around 8 percent for every 2.5 inches a person is shorter than usual. Shorter people have been shown to have greater levels of both cholesterol and triglycerides. Being shorter can also make you adopt less-healthy lifestyle habits and choices.
As much as exposure to second-hand smoke increases your risk of stroke and other heart diseases, not having friends and feeling unsatisfied with your interpersonal relations can do worse. In addition, loneliness increases the risk of hypertension and other stress-related illnesses.
ADHD Drugs
Stimulants like methylphenidate and dextroamphetamine can improve concentration but also increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Eventually, they could cause heart issues. Consult your physician to see if the positive effects of your ADHD medication exceed any potential adverse effects on your cardiovascular system.
Childhood Trauma
Some scientists believe that high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and obesity in adults can be linked to exposure to traumatic events like bullying, violence, and abuse when you are younger. In addition, prolonged stress in childhood can alter how your body develops and functions. It’s also possible that you’re coping with the psychological after-effects of having a tense, unsafe childhood in harmful ways.
Gum Disease
There is evidence that periodontal disease and other oral bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation in the lining of the arteries, which can cause fatty buildup, also known as atherosclerosis. It has been demonstrated through research that treating gum disease can bring about a reduction in the amount of an inflammation marker known as C-reactive protein that is present in the blood. Doctors use these and cholesterol readings to forecast “cardiac events” like heart attacks.