Cigars vs. Cigarettes: Are They Both Addictive?


The general conception is that cigarettes are harmful to everyone. But are cigars equally bad? There is a world of difference between the two because of the difference between the two products. While people portray cigars as the ultimate appeal of masculine power and class, cigarettes are considered dangerous and a product used by the lower rung of society. 

However, the main question is, “is there any difference between cigars and cigarettes? Are they both Addictive?”

This article will discuss the components and differences between cigars and cigarettes and examine each product’s potential side effects. 

Difference Between Cigars and Cigarettes 

According to the National Cancer Center at the National Institute of Health, a cigarette usually contains about 1 gram of tobacco. On the other hand, a large cigar contains between 5 to 20 grams of tobacco. Furthermore, both cigars and cigarettes contain large amounts of nicotine, and this ingredient is a highly addictive chemical found in both cigars and cigarettes. 

Further, cigarettes are about the same size, although you must note that the nicotine content of such cigarettes differs by brand. Conversely, cigars vary in size — from little cigars to cigarillos, to blunts, or chariots and large cigars. Large cigars can measure as long as 7 inches in length, which implies that they have just as much nicotine as cigarettes and are likely to emit much more secondhand smoke.

Are Cigars and Cigarettes Addictive?

The simple fact is that both cigars and cigarettes are addictive. Be it cigars or cigarettes, the amount of nicotine embedded within these products is not suitable for your body. In a review published in the BMC Public Health, the researchers found smoking cigars and cigarettes to be the primary cause of: 

  • Oral cancer; 
  • Esophageal cancer; 
  • Pancreatic cancer; 
  • Laryngeal cancer;
  • Lung cancer and even; 
  • Aortic aneurysm.

The American Lung Association has corroborated this statement that cigarette smokers, just like cigarette smokers, have 4 to 10 times more likely to die from oral, laryngeal, and even esophageal cancer when compared to nonsmokers. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has also noted that cigar tobacco can heighten the risk for:

  • Stillbirth; 
  • Low birth weight; 
  • Infertility.


Both cigars and cigarettes have nicotine, a very addictive chemical ingredient. This nicotine implies that both cigars and cigarettes are addictive and may have several adverse effects on the body.