If you want to make a well-informed decision about surgery, you need to know whether or not it carries a high risk. As a result, researchers compiled a list of 277 potentially harmful operations for people to help them prepare for possible side effects. The following are the seven most unexpectedly dangerous operations discovered by the researchers.
Adrenalectomy refers to the removal of either or both of the adrenal glands. The hormones produced by these glands are essential for normal bodily function, but occasionally a tumor grows on the glands, leading to excessive hormone production. In such situations, removal of the affected gland(s) is necessary.
The typical period for recovery after this procedure is between two and six weeks, and potential complications include infections, blood clots, and high blood pressure.
Carotid Endarterectomy
A carotid endarterectomy is a treatment that eliminates plaque accumulation from within a carotid artery located in your neck. This surgery can help if a person shows poor blood flow to the brain.
However, there is a chance of blood clots, stroke, or even death during this operation, as noted by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Nevertheless, you can reduce or avoid these risks by using anti-clotting medications before and after surgery.
Removal of Varicose Veins
When the valves in the veins in the legs aren’t doing their jobs properly, varicose veins can develop in the legs. When they cause significant discomfort, your doctor may propose that you remove them. This involves a surgical operation, and potential complications such as nerve damage, excessive bleeding, and infection may occur.
High Gastric Bypass
When you have gastric bypass surgery, your stomach and small intestine are rerouted so that you feel full after eating less. This surgery carries significant dangers and consequences, and you must meet several prerequisites before it can be performed. Some examples are being severely malnourished, having your stomach or intestines perforated, or suffering from dumping syndrome.
Bile Duct Excision
Surgery to remove a tumor may be necessary if it is blocking your bile from traveling to your ducts. Possible side effects of this surgery include jaundice, nausea, and a fever of 101 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.
Rectal prolapse surgery, or proctopexy, is a procedure that realigns the rectum and restores its normal function. Risks include injury to adjacent organs and nerves, constipation that is either newly developed or significantly aggravated, and restriction of the anal opening.
Arm Blood Vessel Replacement
When one or more arteries in the arm have narrowed or become obstructed, blood vessel replacement can open it up and improve blood flow. This surgery carries the potential risks of an abnormal heartbeat, getting an infection, and even dying.