You love your four-legged friends, but you also love your plants. Keeping them separated might not be the easiest thing, especially if you do indoor gardening.
Thankfully, there are plants that are considered safe for your pets, so you can enjoy the best of both worlds. Keep in mind that you should also consult your veterinarian if you have questions or concerns. Keep reading to find out what plants you can enjoy without harming your cat or dog.
Pet-Friendly Indoor Plants
Parlor Palms: Parlor palms are beautiful plants that have been popular because of how elegant they look since the Victorian era. Give them bright indirect light, but they can survive with less light than most palms. Keep this pet-safe palm a little bit wet.
Spider Plants: With its narrow, arching leaves, this is a great plant for hanging baskets that pets can get along with. Give spider plants bright light, but they can survive with less light. Keep the soil moist but not soggy.
Peacock Plant: The leaves of a peacock plant are beautiful and come in many different colors, so it looks great in any room. This plant is safe for pets and likes medium to bright light and slightly damp soil.
Rosemary: Rosemary is a beautiful herb that you can grow in your garden and use in cooking. It is also a lovely plant that you can keep inside. Give it a lot of light, and between waterings, let it dry out a bit. This isn’t one of the easiest herbs to grow, so be patient with it.
Button Fern: The leaves of this cute fern look like they are made of clouds. Pets are safe around button fern, and it doesn’t need much care. Give it bright, indirect light, and water it about once every two weeks.
African Violets: When grown in the right way, African violets will bloom all year long. Give these plants that are safe for pets bright, indirect light, and water them from the bottom or carefully from the top when the soil feels dry. One of the tricks to African Violets is to not get the leaves wet.
Tips to Ensure Further Safety
In an effort to increase safety, keep your plants in a space where your dogs and cats can’t reach them. This is much easier when you have dogs, as cats are climbers. Even though the plants listed above are safe, you’ll want to make sure any plant feed you use is safe as well. And again, consult your vet if you have any concerns or before you bring a plant into the home.