Dealing with sadness happens to the best of us every now and then. Prolonged bouts of depression, though, are a serious mental health concern. If you find yourself struggling with depression, it’s important to reach out to an expert and communicate your concerns.
You can try a few coping skills to help you break out of a depressive state. It’s important to remember that depression hits everyone differently, and the ways you choose to break out of the rut will also differ from person to person. What is important is finding a few ways that work for you.
Find Meaning in Every Day
Seek out at least one thing every day that gives your day meaning. It might be small, but knowing that you have something to be thankful for each day is a motivator to keep going. It’s thought that keeping a gratitude journal and writing in it before going to bed can put you in a better mindset to relax and go to sleep.
Create a Plan to Move Forward
It’s hard to move out of your depressive state if you don’t know where you’re going. Creating a plan that includes realistic goals, as well as rewards, gives you something to work for. Your goals should be small, so you see quick success and are motivated to move to that next step.
Find Something That Makes You Happy
Don’t wait for a good mood to hit you. Create your happy moments with intention. It may seem forced at first since you are scheduling it out, but once you consistently carve out these moments for a couple of weeks, it will become a habit.
Focus on Mindfulness
Even though meditation won’t completely cure your depression, it will help you manage its symptoms. Meditation works by altering how your brain responds to worry and stress. By meditating, you can block the amygdala and prefrontal cortex from stimulating cues. This explains why you experience decreased stress.
The hippocampus is protected by meditation. The hippocampus aids in learning and remembering. Your brain’s grey matter in this region grows when you meditate for 30 minutes each day for eight weeks.
Get a Good Night’s Sleep
Help decrease your depression by getting the right amount of sleep. A surefire method to fuel the depression is to stay up late one night and then sleep in a lot the next day. You also shouldn’t attempt problem-solving late at night when your brain is just partially awake.
In order to get yourself on a good schedule, you should strive to go to bed at the same time each night and get up at the same time every morning. Adults need an average of seven to nine hours of sleep per night.
These positive coping skills may take time and practice, but focusing on yourself is essential, especially when you notice you might be spiraling. If you find yourself in a spot where your coping skills aren’t working, reach out to a loved one or professional.
Getting Out of a Funk: How to Help Yourself Through Depression