Obesity affects almost every aspect of our health. From the reproductive to the digestive systems, obesity has been studied to affect the proper functioning of our body adversely. It can also significantly increase your risk of suffering from chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and even cancer.
The effects of obesity on you can be seen from two distinct angles. These are the external effects of obesity and the effect of obesity on the internal workings of the organs. Therefore, for those suffering from obesity, the effects may be apparent, including gaining extra pounds and losing your shape for that beautiful tuxedo or fitted dress you’ve always loved. Internally, it can also come with a significant change in hormones and the metabolism of the obese person. This article, therefore, will take a deeper dive into the effects of obesity on a human’s body.
Nervous System
First off, being obese gravely increases your chances of suffering a stroke. In a meta-analysis of 25 prospective cohort studies involving more than 2.3 million participants, there was a direct correlation between obesity and stroke risk.
Respiratory System
Also, it has been seen that the fat stored around the neck can construct the airway, causing difficulties in breathing at night. This condition has been termed “sleep apnea,” where breathing may stop for people suffering from this condition.
Digestive System
Excess weight has been linked to a higher risk of suffering from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or heartburn. Heartburns do typically occur when stomach acid leaks into the esophagus.
Obesity also increases the risk of developing gallstones within the body. Gallstones are conditions when the bile in the body builds up and hardens in the gallbladder. This sort of chronic condition may require surgical intervention.
Cardiovascular System
Furthermore, people that suffer from obesity need their hearts to do the extra work of pumping more blood around the body. This can lead to a series of conditions, including high blood pressure.
Hypertension can make the blood vessels within the body become very hard and narrow. This hardening and narrowness increase the risk of a possible heart attack or stroke, which can lead to other devices.
Endocrine System
The blood cells, due to obesity, can become resistant to insulin. Insulin is a hormone responsible for carrying sugar from your blood to your cells, which then converts this sugar into energy for your body.
However, your body cannot take the hormone to the cells if you resist insulin. This causes high blood sugar, further increasing the person’s risk of having other chronic conditions, such as type 2 diabetes.
Reproductive System
Finally, obesity can cause difficulties when trying to get pregnant. It has also been discovered to be responsible for decreased testosterone levels, making it more difficult to conceive.
You must put in at least 15 to 30 minutes of exercise daily. This helps to open up your muscles and improve the health of your heart and the overall well-being of your body.