How Does Diabetes Affect Your Body?

It can be stressful getting a handle on your diabetes, but the results are worth it. If you don’t manage it on time, you will set yourself up for multiple complications. This article examines how diabetes affects the organs in your body.

Heart and Blood Vessels

Heart and blood vessel disease are common issues linked to people who can’t control their diabetes. You also have a higher chance of suffering heart problems and strokes than people who don’t have the condition.

Kidney Disease

Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure in the United States, accounting for nearly half of new cases. In the early stages, you might not notice any symptoms. However, your legs and feet start swelling as the illness progresses.


Diabetes is a leading cause of vision loss among adults ages 20 to 74 in the U.S. It can result in multiple eye problems, including:

Diabetic retinopathy, which concerns the small blood vessels in your eyes

Eye damage doesn’t always come with symptoms, so it is essential to have regular checkups with your doctor once a year.


If you have diabetes, there is a higher risk of developing gum disease. This means your gums might be swollen or red and bleed easily.

Skin Problems

Skin problems such as yeast are a warning sign that your blood sugar is too high. Other symptoms include:

● Itching, discharge, or pain in your vagina
● Itching in moist skin folds such as between fingers and toes, under your breasts, or in your armpits.
● For uncircumcised men, itching under your foreskin.

If you get them more often, your doctor may prescribe medication for yeast infections.

Diabetes Emergency

If your blood pressure is consistently high, it could lead to more severe conditions like coma or death. You should contact your doctor immediately if you:

● Get very thirsty or urinate often.
● Lose weight
● Get very tired

Problems Without Warning Signs

Specific health issues which are connected to diabetes might not have any symptoms. These include:

● Heart disease
● High blood pressure
● Kidney disease


Some individuals only have to make little lifestyle changes to keep their blood sugar under control to halt or reverse diabetes complications. However, medications or even surgery might be necessary to prevent worsening conditions.

Beyond this, you can also control your blood sugar levels by exercising, losing weight, and treating your high cholesterol and high blood pressure.