Healthy Lifestyle

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How to Get In Tune With Your Circadian Rhythm

Circadian rhythm is the natural, internal clock that regulates the body's cycle of sleeping and waking. The circadian rhythm is mainly controlled by the...

Is Talking to Yourself a Good Thing?

Psychologists refer to the practice of speaking aloud to oneself as external self-talk. You are not alone if you occasionally chat with yourself. In...

How Your Diet Can Contribute to Cognitive Decline

Evidence suggests a link between cognitive decline and poor diet. Studies have linked a poor diet as a possibility for cognitive decline, including memory...

The Rising Danger of Drug-Resistant Infections

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), overuse of antibiotics is one of the most urgent global health problems. The increasing numbers of drug-resistant...

How Does Alcohol Lead To Cognitive Issues?

The majority of people who drink have encountered memory issues and slower thinking that might be associated with their alcohol usage. While intoxicated, they...

How to Get Fit Without Going to the Gym

Exercising at home doesn't mean you're stuck doing crunches and push-ups. You can get a great workout by using your own body weight for...

What Happens to Your Mood When You Don’t Eat?

The relationship between diet and mood is complex and not fully understood. However, there is evidence to suggest that a person’s diet can have...

Three Summertime Health Issues To Watch For

For most of us, summer means barbecues, family fun, and time in the pool. We protect ourselves with floppy hats and sunscreen while keeping...

Top Three Causes for Lower Back Injury

Sometimes it's easy to pinpoint why your back is hurting. You might have lifted with your back and not your legs, or you twisted...

The Importance of Staying Active and Social as We Age

It is important to stay active and social as we get older. There are many ways to do this. Exercise helps keep our bodies...