Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a disease that makes the contents of your stomach wash back into your esophagus, throat, and mouth. This article examines the GERD symptoms that adults, babies, and older children experience and how you can handle them.
GERD Symptoms in Adults
The symptoms of GERD in adults include the following:
Burning pain in your chest
The most common GERD symptom is a burning feeling in the middle of your chest or on top of your stomach. Also known as heartburn, it can be so intense that you might think itβs a heart attack.
Bad taste in your mouth
You could have a bitter or sour taste in your mouth. This is because food or stomach acid may have returned to your throat through your esophagus.
Swallowing is worse when you lie flat.
It may be hard to swallow after eating when you lie down or especially at night.
GERD Symptoms in Babies
The symptoms of GERD in babies include the following:
Your baby spits up a lot
Healthy babies have regular reflux multiple times daily but outgrow it when they are 18 months old. A change in how much or often they spit up could indicate an issue, especially if older than 24 months.
Your baby seems uncomfortable after eating.
Babies with GERD may show signs of discomfort while eating or immediately after. They might arch their backs or have crying periods lasting longer than three hours daily.
Your baby is rejecting food, leading to weight concerns
When eating gets uncomfortable, babies can turn away from food and milk. You might also notice that your body is not gaining weight in the right places or start losing weight.
GERD Symptoms in Older Children
GERD symptoms in older kids are just like those in babies and adults. They may experience abdominal pain or discomfort after eating. It can also be difficult to swallow, and they could even vomit after they eat.
When Should You Go See a Doctor?
The American College of Gastroenterology recommends seeing a doctor if you use over-the-counter medications to treat GERD symptoms more than twice a week.
Ways to Avoid Triggering GERD Symptoms
To keep GERD Symptoms at a low level, you can try the following:
β Drinking water instead of carbonated drinks and alcohol
β Limiting caffeine, citrus, chocolate, and high-fat foods.
β Avoiding late-night meals
GERD symptoms are easy to manage by changing your basic habits. If these changes don’t relieve you or your child’s symptoms, your doctor prescribes medications to repair the ring of muscle that allows backflow into your esophagus.