What To Eat And Avoid When You Have A Stomachache

When your stomach hurts due to cramps or indigestion, the last thing you want to do is eat something that will make it worse. This article teaches you what to eat and what to avoid when you’re having stomach issues.

Foods To Eat

Foods you can eat when you’re having a stomach issues include:


There’s no point in eating if you can’t keep your food down. You need to start with sports drinks, coconut water, and clear broth, which have potassium, calcium, and sodium.


Bananas are easy to digest and help replenish your potassium levels, which go down when you have diarrhea or have been vomiting constantly


Applesauce contains multiple nutrients, including pectin, which improves your bowel function and helps you stop uncontrolled stooling.

White Rice

White rice is a low, starchy fiber food that can firm up your stool.


Potatoes are a healthy addition to a bland diet as they contain lots of potassium. You can settle your stomach by cooking and eating them plain without extra toppings.


Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can help you deal with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). According to a 2019 study, participants who took ginger supplements over 12 weeks showed reduced inflammatory bowel disease activity.

Foods To Avoid

You should avoid the following foods so your stomach issues don’t get worse:


You should avoid foods like milk, ice cream, and cheese as they are hard to digest because of their high-fat content. However, nonfat yogurt may be okay sometimes but you should eat it in moderation to see how it affects you.


Soda bubbles are bad for your health because they put gas into your system. The high sugar content can also make your diarrhea worse.

Fried Foods

Fried foods contain lots of oil and fat, which makes them harder to digest.

Raw Fruits and Vegetables

Raw fruits and veggies might be great when you’re healthy, but the fiber content, which helps you pass stool, can make things worse.

It’s best to wait until you’re healthy again before you add them to your diet. You can also start with small portions of cooked vegetables and juices to track how they affect you during recovery.


You may find it difficult to eat with an upset stomach. However, drinking lots of fluid can make it easier for you to keep food down.

You can eat bananas, applesauce, white rice, potatoes, and ginger. However, you should avoid foods that can worsen your stomach issues, including dairy, soda, fried foods, and raw fruits and vegetables.