Metabolism Myths: 15 Factors That Can Slow You Down

A slower metabolism means your body can no longer convert food into energy efficiently, resulting in weight gain and fatigue. This article teaches you 15 factors causing this and how to manage them.

Your Genes

If your body is slow at burning calories while you rest, you probably got it from your parents, through your genes. Since you can’t change your genes, you can boost your metabolism by exercising or being more active.

Lack of Sleep

When you don’t sleep regularly, it’s hard for your body to use energy well. You can avoid this by getting 7-9 hours of sleep daily.


A hormonal shift can halt your body’s energy use, with diseases like diabetes also slowing your metabolism. If you have a medical condition, you must keep up with your treatment.

Trendy Salt

Sea salt is commonly used in restaurants but lacks iodine, which your thyroid needs to regulate your metabolism. You can counter this by adding a dash of iodized table salt to your food or eating iodine-rich food like shrimp.

Strict Diets

If you don’t eat enough, your metabolism slows down as your body holds on to the few calories it gets. As such, you should make your weight-loss plan realistic to help your body function properly.

Drinking Decaf

Drinking decaf constantly makes you miss the caffeine boost that keeps your metabolism running. You should stick to 2 to 3 cups and occasionally drink caffeinated coffee.

You’re Thirsty

Without enough water in your system, your metabolism can stall. You can counter this by drinking water throughout the day or eating more water-rich foods like cucumbers or watermelon.

Your Thermostat is Set Too High

Room temperatures of 75 degrees can stop your body from making brown fat, which is loaded with calorie-burning cells. You should turn your thermostat down to 66 degrees before sleeping to boost brown-fat levels.

Calcium Deficiency

If you’re not getting enough calcium, your metabolism slows down. You can boost calcium intake by taking milk and other fortified foods like orange juice, cereals, kale, canned salmon, and tofu.

Cutting Down on Carbs

Cutting carbs from your diet also reduces insulin, which your body needs to burn fat. You can get your carbs from fruits and vegetables if you want to eat healthy and keep your metabolism in check.

Your Medications

Some drugs can slow down your metabolism, such as antidepressants and some antipsychotics doctors use for treating schizophrenia. You should consult your doctor if you think your medication is an issue and you need an alternative.

Switching Meal Times

Skipping meals or eating on the go wreaks havoc on your metabolism and increases your risk of heart disease. You need to have a regular mealtime with your family and stick to it.

Being Nocturnal

Being up late can disrupt your sleep-wake cycle and result in sluggish problems. If you need to work at night, talk to your doctor about healthy ways to keep your metabolism on track.

A High-Fat Diet

Eating loads of fatty foods like greasy burgers can affect your body’s ability to break down food and nutrients. Instead, eat more fruits and vegetables and drink more water.

Chronic Stress

When you’re stressed, your body creates cortisol to give you a quick energy boost. However, high cortisol levels make it difficult for your body to use insulin, which affects your metabolism. You can prevent this by finding ways to destress, such as breathing deeply or doing something you love.


Keeping your metabolism in check ensures your body can function with no issues. You can do this by exercising more, eating fat-burning foods, and resting well.