According to new research, postmenopausal women who have surgery to remove their ovaries and fallopian tubes could suffer chronic medical conditions and a decline in physical functioning. This article will examine this research and how you can protect your health.
What Was The Study’s Focus?
Dr. Stephanie Faubion, the study’s author, said it’s important because it emphasizes information that we already know. She also said that premenopausal bilateral oophorectomy (PBO) is not good for women’s health, and it’s connected to a higher probability of multiple chronic diseases.
Ovaries could be removed for different reasons, such as cysts and endometriosis, a condition caused when uterine cells grow in other parts of the body. According to experts, women who test positive for a specific BRCA gene mutation may choose to have their ovaries removed to prevent ovarian cancer.
How Were The Study’s Findings?
For the study, researchers examined 274 women who had a PBO with or without a hysterectomy. According to the findings, women who had a PBO between 46 and 49 years of age had a higher risk of obstructive sleep apnea and arthritis.
The study also revealed that women who did the procedure before age 46 had a high risk of asthma, arthritis, broken bones, and obstructive sleep apnea. Dr. JoAnn Manson, a hospital chief at Brigham and Women’s Hospital said it was very important that they were seeing more adverse outcomes in terms of the six-minute walk test because it predicts several negative future outcomes, such as premature death.
However, the new study discovered no major age-related difference in cognitive status after the PBO surgery. That said, Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, a professor at the Yale School of Medicine, said it’s important to examine other studies conducted by the same researchers. She also said that the researchers’ papers show estrogen’s importance for women, and the ovaries are a primary source of this nutrient.
What You Should Do?
For women considering if they should have their ovaries removed, Minkin said they should be left in. She also said this should still be the case if the women are postmenopausal. However, Minkin said the ovaries can be removed if the women are at risk for ovarian cancer. She also said the patient would undergo estrogen replacement therapy.
A new study has shown that postmenopausal women who remove their ovaries are at increased risk of chronic health conditions. However, this procedure might be necessary to prevent ovarian cancer if you have the BRCA gene mutation.