Most of us have probably seen the age-old science experiment of talking, singing, or playing music for plants to encourage them to grow more quickly and healthily. However, few of us stop to think about how music affects us!
Music is a powerful tool for people to express their feelings and connect with others. Most people enjoy music, whether they play an instrument or put on a rockin’ playlist on their ride to work. Whether you’re a music enthusiast or a casual listener, you’ll be delighted to find all the positive benefits music is proven to have on your health.
The Benefits of Listening to Music
There are several health benefits you can enjoy from playing your favorite tunes, both mental and physical.
Music Can Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Listening to music has a calming effect. Enjoying music can lower your stress and anxiety levels, which in turn may lower blood sugar levels and mitigate high blood pressure, according to the American Society of Hypertension.
Music Can Help You Perform Better
Classical music can help you ace your next exam, and there is research to prove it. One study conducted in France compared two groups of students: one group took the test with no music while the other took it with classical music on.
The result? The group who listened to classical music during the exam had overall higher test scores than the group that did not. The researchers hypothesized this could be for many reasons. However, the two main probable causes mentioned were the positive effects music had on the participant’s emotional state and the presence of white noise aiding focus.
Music Produces Feel Good Chemicals in Your Brain
Part of why people enjoy music so much is simple – it makes us feel good! Music releases key “feel good” chemicals in our brain that are integral to stable mental health. When enjoying a song, our brain releases dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, and other chemicals associated with mood.
This is, in part, why music therapy can be effective. Research is still ongoing as to other ways to use music to help those fighting ongoing mental illnesses.
Music is a great way to connect with others, de-stress after a long day, or get in touch with your emotions. Music has many palpable health benefits, like improved focus and better mood, which have fascinated modern medicine. The studies we have available tell us one thing is certain – music is a win for our health!
The Effect of Music on Your Health (belmarrahealth.com)
Can Classical Music Help You Study? Research Says It Depends (crushendo.com)