Some people shudder at the mere idea of going to the doctor’s office, while others don’t mind it. Regardless of your comfort level in visiting the doctor, everyone will need certain specialized medical care throughout their life to stay healthy.
Apart from your primary care physician, who oversees your general health, you are likely to need to see several specialists throughout your lifetime. Your primary care physician may refer you to a specialist for further testing or treatment of certain conditions.
Keep reading to find the most common five doctors you’ll pay a visit to in your lifetime!
Foot pain and injuries are quite common. A podiatrist is a specialist who treats conditions of the toes, feet, ankles, and lower leg. You may need to see a podiatrist for a variety of conditions, from bunions to a fractured ankle.
You may need to visit a podiatrist if you have an injury or pain in the foot region that your primary doctor cannot fix.
Most times, your primary physician will refer you to a local podiatrist. If you need a podiatrist but cannot get a referral, you can check out your health insurance’s list of podiatrists to see who takes your insurance and call around to see their availability.
Physical Therapist
People of all ages and walks of life utilize physical therapy. Psychical therapists are highly trained in kinesiology, otherwise known as the study of how the human body moves.
Regardless of age, you may need to see a physical therapist. Some common reasons someone may need a physical therapist are:
- To regain strength and mobility, particularly after an injury or accident.
- To reduce pain.
- To restore the prior physical capabilities they had.
- To cope with the loss of a limb or get used to using a mechanical limb.
Physical therapists will personalize your treatment to your age, current condition, goals, and more.
If you have had an injury or accident, most primary doctors will refer you to a physical therapist nearby as part of your recovery plan. You can also check out your insurance company’s list of providers who take your coverage in case there’s no referral. Always be sure to verify that your physical therapist is accredited.
There are several scenarios in which someone might need to see a dermatologist throughout their life. Dermatologists treat diseases of the skin, hair, nails, and mucus membranes of the mouth and eyes.
A teenager with acne may need a dermatologist to overcome their breakouts, for example. An older adult with eczema or shingles may need to see a dermatologist just the same.
You might need to see a dermatologist regularly if you have a family history of melanoma, which is skin cancer. Or you might only see a dermatologist for certain services, such as acne treatment.
If you bring up any type of skin issue to your primary care doctor, they will likely refer you to a dermatologist. You can also find a dermatologist within your health insurance network by looking at their list of doctors within the network.
A neurologist is a highly specialized doctor who treats conditions associated with the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system.
You may see a neurologist for neurodegenerative disorders, chronic unexplained pain, migraines, seizures, and more. Neurologic disorders are serious. If you bring up your symptoms to a primary care doctor, they will refer you swiftly to a neurologist to make sure the condition can be cared for.
ENT Doctor
ENT stands for eyes, nose, and throat. As you may suspect, these doctors treat a variety of conditions involving the ears, nose, and throat.
You may see the ENT doctor for something as acute as a sinus infection or something as long-term as tinnitus. Any conditions involving the ears, nose, or throat that can’t be solved by your primary care doctor will require the help of an ENT doctor.
If your issue can’t be solved by a general doctor, they will likely refer you to an ENT doctor for further assessment. You can also find an ENT doctor within your health insurance network by using their list of approved ENT doctors in your area.
Hopefully, you don’t need to see all five of these doctors in your lifetime. However, these are common specialists that people from all walks of life utilize to get back to optimal health!