According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 40 percent of Americans have high cholesterol levels. This puts them at risk of heart disease and stroke.
However, researchers have noticed that eating avocados daily can reduce key cholesterol levels. In this article, we will examine the science behind this claim and the effectiveness of avocados in treating high cholesterol.
How Was The Study Conducted?
The study was designed to test whether consuming one large avocado per day for 6 months could decrease belly fat compared to eating a regular diet. As part of the process, participants received written instructions on how to ripen, cut, peel, and serve the avocados.
By the end of the study, the researchers concluded that participants who ate avocados experienced modest but nominally significant reductions in total and LDL cholesterol. They also said that fiber in avocados could contribute to lower cholesterol levels.
How To Maintain Your Health
According to Micheal Chan, there is no magic pill for good heart health. He also said that maintaining heart health comes down to prioritizing the fundamentals, including:
● Regular cardiovascular exercise
● A healthy diet
● Avoiding smoking and significant alcohol intake
Chan recommends eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels. This includes legumes, lima beans, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas, kidney beans, and whole grains like buckwheat, oatmeal, and barley.
Additionally, you can eat lean protein like fish with high omega-3 fatty acids. However, Chan said you should stay away from red meat, whole milk products, shellfish, and trans fats.
What Do Experts Say?
According to Joshua Yamamoto, MD, a cardiology specialist in Washington, D.C., high cholesterol levels are best managed with statins. He also said that the issue is essentially genetic and can be solved by statin.
Sharing this reasoning, Dr. Kristin Thom, Yamamoto’s partner at Foxhall Medicine, said that statins are a better solution for vascular disease instead of focusing on dieting.
According to researchers, adding one avocado per day to your diet could moderately reduce cholesterol levels while not causing a significant increase in belly fat. Experts also said that no one food or nutrient could assist in preventing cardiovascular disease. However, exercise and a healthy diet are essential to maintaining a healthy heart.
Furthermore, vascular disease is a combination of aging and genetics. This means you can effectively use statin drugs as a treatment option.