According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), over 795,000 people in the United States suffer from stroke yearly, with around 610,000 being first-time strokes. Despite how common this condition is, it is often misunderstood. This article will seek to dispel 10 myths associated with stroke to improve your understanding of the illness.
Stroke is a Problem of the Heart
Although stroke is connected to cardiovascular risk factors, it occurs in the brain, not the heart. It’s also often mistaken for a heart attack caused by a restriction of blood flow to the heart, not the brain.
Stroke Does Not Run In Families
Single-gene disorders like sickle cell disease can increase an individual’s risk for stroke. Additionally, genetic factors, including a higher risk for high blood pressure, could indirectly increase stroke risk.
Stroke is Not Preventable
Many of the risk factors linked with stroke can be prevented with lifestyle changes. Exercising regularly and eating a healthy diet can also reduce risk factors like obesity and high cholesterol.
Stroke Cannot Be Treated
Stroke symptoms in multiple patients can be reversed using an injection of a clot-busting drug, minimally invasive mechanical thrombectomy for clot removal, or surgery.
Stroke Symptoms are Hard To Recognize
The most common stroke symptoms form the acronym “F.A.S.T”:
● F: Face drooping, when one side of the face becomes numb and creates an uneven “smile.”
● A: Arm weakness, when one arm becomes numb or weak and, when raised, drifts slowly downward.
● S: Speech difficulty or slurred speech.
● T: Time to call 911.
All Strokes Have Symptoms
According to a study on over 11 million strokes in 1998, 770,000 cases presented symptoms, while close to 11 million were silent.
Stroke Occurs Only in the Elderly
One study examining healthcare data discovered that 34% of stroke hospitalizations 2009 were under age 65.
Stroke Always Causes Paralysis
Research revealed that stroke reduces mobility in over half of stroke survivors aged 65 and over.
A ministroke is Not So Risky.
In most cases, a ministroke is a sign that a more significant stroke can occur.
Stroke Recovery Happens Fast
It could take months or years to recover from a stroke. The American Stroke Association said that among stroke survivors:
● 10% will make a nearly complete recovery
● Another 10% will need care in a nursing home or long-term facility.
● 25% will recover with minor impairments
● 40% will experience moderate to severe impairments
Strokes might be common, but they are covered in numerous myths. More patients can get the proper treatment for their condition by dispelling these assumptions.