Lyme disease is not something you want to get. If a tick infected with lyme disease transmits the disease to a human being, they face a serious autoimmune disease that needs to be treated immediately to prevent long-term, life-changing health issues. And the cases are exploding as tick season expands and ticks spread to an even wider geographic area.
If you live in an area that has deer ticks, you are at risk of being bitten by a tick carrying the bacteria that causes Lyme disease. And as we move closer into spring and summer, the trends suggest that this year will have the highest incidence rate of Lyme disease ever recorded.
There are steps that you can take to keep safe from Deer tick bites. While you have most likely heard some of these, it is recommended that you review the steps to keep from getting a serious illness:
Wear the right clothing. Tuck your socks into your pants to keep ticks from crawling under your pants and up your leg; wear light colors so that you’ll be able to spot any ticks that may land on your clothing; and consider wearing a light long-sleeved shirt when hiking or in areas with deer populations.
Use tick repellent. DEET is the most common and recommended repellent for ticks. Putting it on your clothing can help to ward off the dangerous parasites — ticks.
Always check yourself for ticks when leaving a deer-populated area. The best way to stop a tick from giving you Lyme disease is to not be in an area with ticks. The second best way is to remove any ticks that may have hitched a ride on your clothing, accessories or skin off of you as soon as possible, ideally before it bites you.
Remember, Lyme disease is no joke, and you want to take the small steps and maintain the awareness necessary to keep you from its negative effects.