Is It Dangerous to Drink Cold Water?


Getting enough water each day is important for the smooth operation of every system in your body, from digestion and metabolism to waste removal, temperature regulation, and preserving healthy organs and tissues. However, there’s some debate on what water temperature is best for people to drink. Some people believe that cold water could be bad for your health. In this article, we will address this issue.

What Are the Risks of Drinking Cold Water?

Studies have shown that patients with esophageal (food pipe) disorders such as achalasia may have difficulty swallowing food when they drink cold water.

A study indicated that participants with achalasia had worse symptoms after drinking cold water. A study found that people who drank hot water reported less difficulty swallowing afterward. In addition, some people may get headaches from drinking cold water, according to the results of a 2001 study of 669 women.

The study found that 7.6% of people who drank 150 mL of ice water with a straw developed a headache. They also discovered that people who were experiencing migraines at the time of the study were twice as likely to develop a headache after consuming cold water.

Lastly, cold drinks and meals are often blamed for giving individuals colds and sore throats. However, this assertion is not supported by any scholarly research.

Benefits of Drinking Cold Water

According to some studies, drinking colder water while you exercise can improve your endurance and performance. For instance, a study involving 45 physically fit males in 2012 discovered that drinking cold water effectively reduces a person’s body core temperature compared to drinking water at room temperature.

In 2014, researchers looked at how various drinks affected the characteristics and performance of 12 trained male riders in a tropical environment.

They found that consuming an ice-slush beverage enhanced performance more than consuming water at room temperature. Their research also showed that athletes performed best after drinking a menthol-scented ice slush.

A few advocates of the cold water diet suggest that it can aid in shedding extra pounds. However, there appears to be no distinction between consuming water at room temperature and water chilled to the point of discomfort and a few degrees above freezing, which some studies claim can help the body burn more calories.

Cold and Warm Water: Which Should You Drink?

Drinking hot water can be comforting, especially in winter, while consuming cold water can be refreshing in the summer. In addition, drinking warm water can help circulation since it causes blood vessels and arteries to dilate.

Scientists believe that the rate at which people sweat and their ability to rehydrate is affected by the temperature of the water they consume. Dehydration can occur, for instance, if you drink water that is too hot (40°C) instead of cold (15°C), as suggested by a 1989 research conducted by the United States Army.

According to research published in 2013, it may be best to rehydrate with water at roughly 16 degrees Celsius or the temperature of cool tap water. The study participants who consumed water at this temperature observed that they drank more on their initiative and sweated less than those who drank water at different temperatures.

Drinking water chilled to 5 degrees Celsius did “not increase voluntary drinking and hydration status” in a group of six Taekwondo competitors, according to a study published in 2011.

It’s important to stay hydrated no matter the temperature of the water you drink, but this is especially true in hot weather or when you’re exercising.