There are five main sleeping positions, and the best one depends on a number of factors, including personal preference and any number of health problems that may prevent restful sleep. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most healthy ways to sleep.
Back Sleeping Is The Ideal Option For Pain Management
If you have back pain, lying on your back with your arms by your sides and your knees slightly raised can be your best sleeping position.
Charla R. Fischer, MD, an orthopedic surgeon, said that sleeping this way allows your spine to stay neutral and reduces aches all over. However, she also said on your back can be the worst position if you have sleep apnea.
Sleeping on Your Side Helps You Breathe Easier
Sleeping on your side can be one of the best ways to avoid breathing difficulties. Terry Cralle, RN, said this position lets you alleviate the effects of gravity on your airway and allows for a better oxygen supply.
Another benefit of side sleeping is it removes harmful waste from the brain and reduces the risk of disorders like dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. That said, sleeping on your side can result in gradual or sudden hip or shoulder pain.
Stomach Sleepers Tend To Snore Less
Sleeping on your stomach keeps your airways open and reduces the risk of the unhealthy breathing pauses that are the hallmark of sleep apnea.
However, tummy sleeping allows your core to sink deeper into your mattress, making it tough to maintain good spinal alignment. This could also strain your neck and lower back, increasing the risk of discomfort in these hard-working areas as you age.
Sleeping Curled Up Is The Most Popular Sleep Position
According to reports from the National Sleep Foundation, 41 percent of adults prefer sleeping with their knees tucked in toward their chest. The benefits of this sleep position are essentially the same as side sleeping, as it takes the pressure off your back and decreases snoring.
Sleeping Like A Starfish Is Linked to Shoulder Pain
Individuals who favor this version of back sleeping sleep with their arms overhead. This increases pressure on your shoulders, increasing the odds of shoulder and lower back pain.
Fischer said you can prevent this pain by placing a pillow under your knees. You can also train yourself to sleep with your arms at your sides.
Different sleep positions can improve your health and guarantee you stay in the best physical state. With the information in this article, you can find the best position to give you a good night’s rest.