Are you preparing for a marathon or trying to boost your running speed? This article will teach you how to improve your running in the best way possible.
How to Improve Your Running
Set Conservative Goals as a First-Time Racer
As a first-time marathoner, it can feel thrilling to focus on run times. However, you need to keep your focus on the basics. For starters, you can set a run mile target of 20 miles, giving you the best chance of making it to the finish line during the actual race.
Avoid Additional Stressors, and Don’t Leave Anything to Chance on Marathon Day
Getting ready for a race that lasts several hours can be challenging mentally and physically. According to research, stressful situations can also cause impaired decision-making and possibly lead to greater risk-taking.
Before the race, make sure you have a plan and mentally prepare for the running stress. You should also not deviate from your running strategy, which could hurt you later.
Don’t Let Cheering Crowds Make You Go Faster
At the start of the race, the crowd cheering can make you feel invincible and try to pick up the pace. However, this is a very bad idea.
One study discovered that runners who began a marathon at a pace that was too fast to maintain throughout the event ended up slowing down throughout the marathon. If you let the crowd dictate your pace and start running faster than you intend to, you will pay for it.
You Don’t Have to “Get Ahead of” Hydration
An ongoing debate in the world of marathons is how much water to drink and when. However, drinking too much water can result in overhydrating and lead to life-threatening issues. You can avoid this by gauging your thirst and only drinking more water if you sweat more than usual.
You Don’t Have to Deplete Your Carbohydrate Storage and Then Overload The Night Before
A common misconception is that you must “empty your tank” and then overload on a carbohydrate-rich diet before race day.
However, experts recommend you increase your carbohydrate intake several days before. This gives you glycogen which you can use for energy during exercise and delays fatigue.
Have A Recovery Plan for the Day-of and Weeks Following the Race
Immediately after your race, continue moving to keep the blood circulating and prevent it from pooling in your legs. In the following weeks, keep eating a healthy diet and get plenty of rest.
If you’re about to have a marathon, your preparation process is important. With the tips we have covered, you can improve your running and increase your chances of being the first across the finish line.