As is unfortunate with other health conditions, multiple misconceptions involve ADHD. These misunderstandings concerning the condition are harmful to people in the community. They can also result in issues such as diagnosis delays and treatment access. This article covers 5 disproven myths about ADHD to shed more light on the reality of the condition.
Myth 1: Girls Don’t Get ADHD
Generally, young girls are less hyperactive than young boys and display fewer behavioral issues compared to boys. As such, they are less likely to be referred for an ADHD evaluation. The problem with the myth is that girls with ADHD are left untreated, and their condition progresses. This could result in multiple issues, such as:
● Anxiety
● Mood
● Antisocial personality
Myth 2: People With ADHD Are Lazy
Individuals with ADHD need more reminders and structure to get things done. But, this can be mistaken for laziness as certain symptoms manifest as disorganization, disinterest, and a lack of motivation.
However, the reality is that individuals with ADHD want to succeed but might struggle to start and complete what others see as “simple” tasks.
Myth 3: Poor Parenting Causes ADHD
Though the structure is vital for individuals with ADHD, constant punishment for symptoms like restlessness, blurting out words, impulsivity, and hyperactivity can be detrimental eventually.
However, many would see this behavior as the child being “badly mannered.” This results in parents often being judged for being unable to control their children.
Myth 4: ADHD Isn’t A Real Medical Disorder
Research has shown differences between a brain with ADHD and one without it. It has also examined differences in how brain chemicals like norepinephrine, dopamine, and glutamate operate.
The areas of the brain involved in ADHD play a crucial role in your “executive functions,” such as:
● Organizing
● Planning
● Initiating tasks
Myth 5: Having ADHD “Isn’t That Serious”
While ADHD isn’t life-threatening, it could seriously affect the individual’s overall quality of life. Compared to the general population, individuals with ADHD have a higher chance of developing:
● Mood and substance use disorders
● Anxiety
At the moment, individuals with ADHD are often judged and unfairly labeled. Additionally, they often find:
● They aren’t diagnosed early enough.
● Accommodations are not made for them to be successful.
For these reasons and more, the myths involving ADHD need dispelling. This is necessary for raising awareness about the condition and giving people in the community what they need for survival in all aspects of their lives.